Dec 7, 2015

Mini Meatloaves

My 10 month old is a great eater. Always has been. We tried baby lead weaning with him and he took to it like a champ. People are always amazed by how he feeds himself. But that's just it, he ONLY feeds himself. He won't let me feed him at all. Trust me as much as I love his fierce independence there are times when I would love to have been able to spoon feed him ANYTHING. Baby lead weening on a 9 hour flight is an exercise in creativity and patience. Especially sober. So I am always looking for ways to get healthy food into him in a format he can grab.  I came across this recipe and made a couple of changes. I replaced breadcrumbs with rolled oats that I pulsed in my nutribullet for 5 seconds and used medium ground beef instead of lean, mostly because it was on sale. It's a great way to get protein and some veggies in one meal. You can also try ground chicken or turkey instead of beef.

Nov 8, 2015

Nausea and vomiting in the morning (or all day) during the first trimester of pregnancy is a common problem, for which there are many natural remedies. He following natural remedies have no side effects, whereas the allopathic medications, consisting of anti-histamines, have been shown to cause birth defects in animal studies.

Nov 6, 2015

Those cute little bundles of joy can vary greatly in appearance; from wrinkles to birthmarks to pointy heads. Have no fear! Below is a list of various normal ways baby might look.

Rubus ideas, commonly known as red raspberry leaf, is one of the best known and most widely used uterine tonic. The leaf contains an alkaloid called fragine, which tonifies and strengthens the uterus muscles and pelvic region. This plant is also extremely nourishing, rich in vitamins and minerals such as ; vitamin C, E, calcium, iron and potassium. By tonifying the uterine muscles it helps the contracting uterus to work more effectively, aiding in a quicker and more efficient labour. It also can reduce the recovery time by helping the uterus to continue clamping down after delivery.  Lastly, due to its high mineral content, red raspberry leaf can assist in healthy breast milk production.
This herb has no contraindications, and is safe to use in pregnancy. Women usually start taking it near the end of the 2nd trimester and begin drinking 1 cup per day. I recommend buying the organic loose leaf herbal tea form and placing 1 heaping tbsp in a mug of boiling hot water. Let it steep for 7-10 minutes and enjoy. By the beginning of the third trimester women increase to 2 cups daily, and as the due date approaches, 3 cups daily.
**please consult with your medical professional; MD, ND, OB or Midwife, before using any herbal product

A Beautiful Water Birth in Tennessee

I loved carrying both my kids! I felt confident, knowing that they were calm and happy. Their needs were being met without needing to cry. Baby wearing is not only functional and versatile, but also a great way to assist baby's transition from womb to the outside world; It helps to regulate their own systems, by hearing their caregiver's heartbeat and being rocked by their movements.


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